Tuesday, February 8, 2011

God help us all!

It seems another tactic of alienators is to use religion in their favour. If they were not religious before, they will suddenly become so, and if they were religious before, they will twist it to their advantage.

In my situation, the mother suddenly became obsessed with Sunday school and insisted the children were attending Sunday school and therefore could not have any parenting time with their father on that day. (She also decided that Friday's were 'family day' which meant that Friday's were out too, leaving Saturdays when the kids were 'too busy with activities'. )

The funny thing is that with all her Sunday school rantings for years, it turns out that apparently the children were not even going there at all, but it was all a rouse, using the lord as an escape goat for her alienation!

I have heard of many other stories of alienation involving sudden religiousness. Sometimes, if the family is already religious, the alienator will twist religion in his/her favour and start calling the rejected parent a 'sinner' or 'the devil' etc.

It is unfortunate that religion is used for so much hatred in this world Hopefully these alienated children have good pastors or religious heads to counteract the hatred. This is why educating churches about parental alienation and the harm it does to children and families is so important and vital.

If you're interested in doing so, be sure to check out http://www.paawarenessday.com/ and/or http://www.paawareness.org/

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