Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Call the Police

A classic example of parental alienation is to call the police at every possible opportunity. In my personal experience, I've seen the police called because the parent was there to pick up the children for parenting time, because the parent showed up at a park event to see his children, and when the parent was 15 minutes late returning the child home (and he called to let her know too!)

I've seen this parent call the police because we were 15 minutes late getting home after one parenting time. She claimed to the police that she felt her child had been abducted. The ironic thing is after embarrassing her child who had to walk past the police into her home, and annoying her father because he had to explain to the police that his ex as mentally disturbed and the police laughing and shrugging it off.. she, the ex, right in front of the police.. asks the father what time he is coming to pick up his daughter for parenting time the next day!! So wait a minute.. one second you are paranoid of abduction and then you ask the potential abductor what time they are going to pick up the child the next day??!!

An obvious use of the police as scare tactic and bullying the other parent, and possibly instilling in the child that the other parent is dangerous/not to be trusted. What these abusive parents fail to see is the harm they are doing to their own children with these behaviors; the extreme guilt the child feels for having to put up with or go along with this idiotic waste of police services time against their own parent.

What the abusive parent also fails to see, and what the general public should be very upset about.. is the waste of all tax payers money on crap like this. What women should specially be upset about.. and what I personally am livid about.. is assholes like this woman are actually helping perpetuate abuse against women. How.. because of every 10 of these useless waste of time calls, there is 1 or 2 women who actually need help from danger.. real danger... or a child that is actually abducted or missing..... and the police don't take it seriously as fast as they should because they have been 'numbed' by people like my friends ex. Personally I think the police should charge abuse of services with a fee and/or penalty.

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